Event Logo Design


The incredible WCSD team was looking for a baseball-inspired theme with a “Spring Training” for headline for the March 2012 conference. The logo had to be simple, flexible, and easily applied to anything for branding the entire event – and they weren’t kidding… they even branded the chocolate cake!

The event brand design makes heavy use of the logotype to which I added some sporty outlines with the WordPress logo front and center. The arched, shadowed text hints at some of the local signage – some signs span the entire width of the street with intricate details. The swoosh ties everything together, invites some motion and is reminiscent of the graphics on a baseball jersey. Being short on time, the WCSD team found a stock photo of the baseball drawing which we customized to our liking. I drew the cityscape from a local photo.

Deliverables included a t-shirt design, custom die cut decals design, web banners for attendees and sponsors, event name badges/schedules, poster-sized schedules, and the event website header.

Her energy, passion and good common sense have made the journey of building my website exciting, productive and timely.

Robyn in Applewood – Branding & Website Design